vineri, 1 iulie 2011

Un raspuns anapoda la o intrebare fundamentala

Gold: Why Would the Metal Fall on the Same Day the Dollar Stumbles?

Under most conditions, the dollar is gold’s primary counterpart. The metal is an alternative to currencies that are exposed to inflation and the financial troubles that an economy faces. That said, when risk appetite recovers (especially when it is sourced through the euro), safe haven capital is drawn from both the liquid dollar and the alternative-view gold market.

Because the market is fractal and driven only by human perception and psychology, not by any fundamental logic. Hence, most conditions can never be all conditions in such a market.


Pe scurt: De ce a cazut aurul si dolarul in aceeasi zi? Un lucru imposibil conform logicii fundamentale? 

Pentru ca intr-o piata fractala bazata strict pe perceptii si sentimente umane, logica fundamentala poate fi intoarsa pe dos in orice moment. 

Am pus multe grafice si multa sudoare incercand sa demonstrez acest lucru. Din pacate degeaba pentru foarte multi, probabil pentru o majoritate.